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Author Archive for Admin – Page 8

2018 Holiday Calendar

2018-Holiday-CalendarOur 2018 Holiday Calendar is here, please refer to this schedule for any holidays that may effect your pickup schedule.

Grand Opening of Our Single-Stream Recycling Facility in Shelton, CT

Winters Brothers had their grand opening of their single-stream recycling facility in Shelton, CT! Joe Winters (CEO) and Governor Dan Malloy did the honors of cutting the ribbon. This is the second single-stream facility that Winters Brothers operates from; the other station is located in Danbury, CT.

Welcome to our new website

We hope that you like the look of our new website. We have been working on new ways and better ways to communicate with our customers and potential customers. Here at Winters Bros. we care about your feedback and hope that you’ll let us know what might be helpful to you, our valued customers, to have on this website.

Please use our ‘contact us’ section of the website to let us know what you think. We also want to hear from you on our service as well. What can we do to better serve you, what services are you looking for that we can provide?

We cannot thank you enough for choosing Winters Bros. as your service provider. We look forward to serving all of your waste and recycling needs.

What is the single-stream recycling process?

The single-stream recycling process takes the hassle out of recycling. ‘Single-stream’ essentially means that the materials are all put into one ‘stream,’ instead of two. This allows you to recycle without separating paper, glass, and plastic before they are set at the curb; instead, we have machines that do the sorting. All materials go into one bin and our truck delivers them to our single-stream facility for the process to begin. This process has been said to be an important step toward meeting our goal of building a zero waste community by 2020!

Here are some photos, so you can get a sneak peek of the process:

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